5 <·loha nenφ nastavena pro zobrazovßnφ skenovan²ch soubor∙>
6 English
7 VASCO Data Security (%s)
8 iAVS
10 Resident Scanner
11 Behaviour Blocker
12 Creating integrity database...
13 Updated files
14 Licenses
16 (not specified)
17 ??? UNKNOWN ???
18 Task Wizard
19 Start
20 Stop
22 (not specified)
23 (not tested)
24 File %1 is infected by virus %2.
25 Today at
26 OK
27 (logged)
28 computer "%s"
29 local engine
30 (local)
31 Avast32 print job
32 &Move...
33 &Delete...
34 &Repair...
35 &Summary...
36 ---
37 File was repaired
38 File was moved to %s
39 File was deleted
40 File was accepted
41 each #####. file
42 Stop tests Do you want to stop running the tests?
43 Delete results Do you want to delete unprocessed results?
45 Stop tests When switching the user interface, all tests must be stopped. Do you really want to switch the user interface?
46 Delete results Unprocessed results will be deleted if you switch the user interface. Do you really want to switch the user interface?
47 &Results...
50 Areas to test
51 Exceptions
52 Exceptions
53 Username
54 Address
55 If Avast32 crashed or if it does not behave according to the documentation, you may send us a bug report.
56 Describe exactly the situation under which the error occurs. The following files will be sent with the bug report as well.
57 If Avast32 crashed or if it does not behave according to the documentation, you may send us a bug report.
58 E-mail us a description of the situation under which the error occurs to the address support@asw.cz. Please also include the following files as attachments:
66 File
67 Error
68 <engine failed>
69 Virus was found
70 About Avast32
71 Avast32 application started
72 Task started
73 Task finished
74 Avast32 application exit
85 Task
86 Fond viruses
118 Custom file types - change %s
119 All Files|*.*||
120 All Files|*.*|Executables|*.exe;*.com;*.dll;*.bat;*.sys;*.386;*;vxd;*.scr;*.sys||
121 Sounds|*.WAV|All Files|*.*||
122 VPS files|*.vps|All Files|*.*||
124 DAT files|*.dat|All Files|*.*||
125 Configuration files|*.cnf|All Files|*.*||
126 Files with settings|*.cfg|All Files|*.*||
127 Updates|*.tmd;*.dat|All Files|*.*||
128 About
129 Virus Found
130 Memory
131 Boot sector of %dth physical disk.
132 Boots ector of disk %c:
133 Area
134 Virus
256 Task ran %s
257 Task opened %u files
258 Number of infected files: %u
259 Number of repaired files: %u
260 Number of renamed/moved files: %u
261 Number of deleted files: %u
300 Start
301 Stop
302 Details
303 Help
304 Minimize
305 Stop
308 Pause/Continue
309 Local hard drives
310 Floppy disks
312 Remote drives
313 CD-ROM
314 Run on access scanner
315 Stop on access scanner
316 Select folder to scan
317 Small Avast32
318 iAVS
384 Do you want to discard unprocessed results?
385 You must stop all running tasks before logging in to another computer. Do you want to stop all tasks now?
386 Settings saved to file %s.
387 Settings loaded from file %s.
388 If you reload program settings from the file, you'll lose your current settings. Continue?
389 This is not a valid file (not an Avast32 3.0 settings file).
390 &Scan
391 Add update source...
392 Edit update source...
393 Update source computers...
394 Engine was stopped, program cannot continue. Please try to run it again.
395 Avast32 needs to create an Integrity database to be able to repair infected files. It may take a very long time. Do you want to create the Integrity database now? If you answer NO, you will be asked again every time you run Avast32.
450 deleted
451 repaired
452 moved: %s
453 error while deleting
454 error while repairing
455 error while moving
456 File was moved/renamed to %s
457 Testing operating memory ...
458 Home usage only
459 Home version
460 not known yet
461 Educational version
462 Educational version
463 Usage and restriction description...
512 Password verification
513 User name:
514 Password:
515 User name
516 Administrator
517 May log in to a remote computer
518 May stop resident task
519 May stop virus warning
720 File update
721 Security update
722 Task update
723 Licenses update
724 AVS update
800 Contents
801 Find
1100 Internet (%s)
1101 Internal
1102 Microsoft
1103 Raw
1104 All computers in this domain
1105 This computer
1106 profile not specified
1542 Choose areas and press "Start"
1543 <...PAUSED...>
1544 Scanning has finished. No virus found...
1545 Virus was found!!!
1546 You are using old VPS file!!!
2048 You may not add areas to a batch task at run-time.
2049 You must specify at least one area.
2050 You must specify report file name.
2051 You must specify a screen-saver.
2052 You must specify a task name.
2053 Invalid task name. Task name must not start with *
2054 There must not be two tasks with the same name.
2055 You must specify some file types to test.
2056 You must define some work for the task.
2057 Value must be between 0 and 59.
2058 Value must be between 1 and 31.
2059 You must choose at least one provider.
2060 Cannot repeat continuously (loop) single task.
3000 This provider is designed to be used in on-access tasks for Microsoft Exchange Server.\n\n\nIt provides the following services:\n\n ╗ Real-time scanning of messages in mailboxes\n ╗ Real-time scanning of messages in public folders\n ╗ Signatures and extended alerting && logging\n\n\n\nThe following five pages will guide you through the configuration settings for this provider.
3001 This provider represents standard Avast32 resident protection.\n\n\nIt provides the following services:\n\n ╗ Real-time scanning of programs and documents\n ╗ Real-time blocking of dangerous operations\n\n\n\n\nThe following three pages will guide you through the configuration settings for this provider.
3002 This provider is designed to be used in on-access tasks for Lotus Domino Servers.\n\n\nIt provides the following services:\n\n ╗ Real-time scanning of mail messages\n ╗ Real-time scanning of Notes databases\n ╗ Signatures and extended alerting && logging\n\n\n\nThe following six pages will guide you through the configuration settings for this provider.
3101 Scanning %s
3102 Disk %c: Boot Sector
3103 %s is infected by '%s' virus!
3201 --> File was deleted.
3202 --> File was renamed.
3203 --> File was cleaned.
3301 The provider is waiting for a subsystem to start.
3620 Avast32 detected that there is a floppy disk inserted in the drive. In order to properly log off and/or shut down your computer, you need to remove the diskette from the drive. Forgotten floppies represent one of the most common sources of virus infection.\n
3621 Avast32 detected that there is a CD-ROM inserted in the drive. In order to properly log off and/or shut down your computer, you need to remove the disc from the drive. Forgotten discs represent one of the most common sources of virus infection.\n
3801 The operation completed successfuly.
3802 Unspecified error in AAVM module.
3803 Not enough memory.
3804 Invalid parameter was passed to a function.
3805 Access is denied.
3806 The specified provider was not found.
3808 The specified provider is already running.
3809 The specified provider is not running.
3810 The specified provider is not paused.
3811 The specified provider failed.
3812 The provider cannot communicate with a subsystem.
3813 The specified provider was not initialized.
3814 Invalid data was passed to AAVM.
3815 The AAVM subsystem is not properly initialized.
3816 The AAVM subsystem cannot find its device driver.
3817 The AAVM subsystem cannot load resources.
3818 The AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error.
3819 The object was not scanned.
3870 An error has occured while carrying out your request.\n\nThe error code is 0x%08X:\n>> %s <<\n\n
3900 ERROR: Could not scan %s [error code 0x%8X]
3901 ERROR: Could not call GUI library for '%s' [error code 0x%8X]
3902 ERROR: Could not call Avast32 engine. Possibly down?!
3920 Cannot repair The infected file '%s' cannot be repaired.\nOperation was unsuccessful.
4000 Full path (may include wildcards)
4001 Full path (may include wildcards)
4002 User Name
4010 Unable to connect to the server The Lotus Domino Server could not be reached. This can be caused by the fact that the Avast! server task (AvDomSrv.exe) has not been already started, or because the server is down.
4020 MAPI Failure Cannot initialize MAPI. Please make sure that it is correctly installed and set up.
4096 Scanner (Basic)
4097 Blocker
4098 Advanced
4099 Modify path
4100 Areas
4101 Exceptions
4102 Signatures
4103 Alerts
4104 Refreshing
4105 Name
4106 Address
4107 Scanner (Advanced)
4110 Modify user name
4120 Mail Scan
4121 Database Scan
4122 Signatures
4123 Alerts (Basic)
4124 Alerts (Advanced)
4125 Logging
6016 Screen Saver
6017 %s user mailbox
6018 Please wait while both Avast32 and its engine exit...
6019 Please wait for the user interface switch...
6160 Tasks
6161 Results
6162 Viruses
6163 Help
6164 Customize
6165 Enterprise
6166 General
6167 What to test
6168 Options
6169 Report/Alert
6170 Virus Message
6171 Passwords
6176 General
6177 Definition
6180 General
6181 Passwords
6182 Anti-virus Engine
6184 Infected files
6185 Settings
6186 Files
6187 Test
6188 for
6189 Insert file specification
6190 Enter extension (e.g. exe)
6192 Previous values
6193 Actual values
6194 %s attribute set
6195 %s attribute NOT set
6196 Archive
6197 Read Only
6198 System
6199 Hidden
6200 Created on %s
6201 Last write on %s
6203 File size is %u bytes
6204 Infected by %s
6205 [ a r h s c ]
6224 Virus infects executables.
6225 Virus infects documents.
6226 Virus infects executables and system part of disk.
6227 Virus infects system part of disk.
6228 Virus could stay resident in memory.
6229 Its part of the 'In The Wild' virus list.
6230 Be careful while cleaning your system. The virus is dangerous!!!
6240 Programs
6241 Tasks
6248 Settings
6251 Resident protection
6252 Command line scanner
6253 Advanced
6254 License
6255 Avast32 system configuration
6256 &Shutdown local engine
6257 &OK
6258 Passwords
6259 License
6260 Scheduled tasks
6261 About Avast32
6262 Help
6263 User manager
7168 This is a NEW file (not found in database)
7169 Error found: %s
7170 File is INFECTED
7171 File content has not changed
7172 File security has not changed
7173 File is repaired
7174 File security was NOT tested
7175 File was deleted
7176 Curent state is unknown
7177 File content has changed
7178 File security has changed
7179 File content was NOT tested
7180 File attributes have changed
7216 State
7217 Infection
7218 Attributes
7219 Creation time
7220 Last write time
7221 File size
7222 File content
7223 Security data
7224 Operation
7225 Destination file
7617 Choose a computer to which to deliver the message via internal protocol.
7625 Language
7626 Help file
7627 Installed
7628 Not accessible
8208 Name
8209 File
8211 Parameter group
8212 Type
8213 Previous
8214 Current
8216 Name
8217 Infection
8218 Attributes
8219 Content
8220 Name
8221 Result
8222 Operation
8223 License
8224 License content
8225 ???
8226 ---
8227 Yes
8228 No
8233 Continue
8240 Name
8241 File
8242 Macro
8243 Boot
8244 Memory
8245 ITW
8246 Care!!
8250 Name
8251 Description
8288 Send virus alert to
8289 Enter valid address or name...
8290 Test message. Let me know if you can see it...
8389 You have unlimited number of licences available accross the net
8390 You have %u available licences accross the net
8391 Using Victor Imaging Library version %d.%02d
8392 Using FairCom c-tree Plus version 6.6A
8393 Using Webster Pro Control verze 2.5
8394 Using DynaZIP Version 4.0
8465 %u kB
8466 %u bytes
8467 Not set
8468 Protected
8469 Shortcut to %s task of Avast32
8483 No licensing available
8487 %3u/%2u
8489 %u of %u
8490 unlimited
8491 %u of unlimited
8492 DEMO expires on %s
8493 %u of unlimited
8494 Task contains screen saver settings for computer %s...
8495 Task contains Explorer support settings for computer %s...
8496 Task contains simple user interface settings for computer %s...
8497 Task contains resident tasks settings for computer %s...
8498 Task is creating integrity database on computer %s...
8499 Task is testing memory on computer %s...
8500 Computer %s, %s...
8501 you are logged in
8502 Task contains screen saver settings...
8503 engine is probably running
8504 engine is not started or the computer is offline
8505 Task contains Explorer support settings...
8506 Task contains simple user interface settings...
8507 Task is scanning computer memory...
8508 Task is creating integrity database...
8545 OK
8546 Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program
8547 , or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.
8548 &Cancel
8561 Quick32
8562 Explorer extension
8563 Default task
8564 Simple interface
8565 Save as ...
8566 Scan results
8567 Resident shield
8568 Scan memory
8569 Scan boot sectors
8570 Simple user interface
9216 *\n* Avast32 Report File\n* This file was automatically generated\n*\n
9217 * Processing task '%s'.\n* Started on %s.\n*\n
9218 *\n*\n
9219 security descriptor
9221 *\n* Processing end on %s.\n* Total processing time was %s.\n*\n
9222 %u hours,
9223 %u minutes and
9224 %u seconds
9225 unknown infection
9226 not changed
9227 not infected
9228 new file
9229 attributes
9230 time(s)
9231 content
9232 %s [-] size is too low\n
9233 %s [-] file type or area not set\n
9234 not tested due to error %u
9235 %s [-] found as unnecessary to test\n
9236 %s [-] you have not enough rights to test\n
9237 %s [+] is OK\n
9238 %s [%c] %s\n
9239 [%c] %s\n
9240 deleted file
9241 %s [-] file is excluded from testing
9242 Number of opened files: %u
9243 Number of tested files: %u
9244 Number of infected files: %u
9245 Number of changed files: %u
9246 Number of not tested files due to error : %u
9247 Number of deleted files: %u
9248 Number of repaired files: %u
9249 Number of renamed/moved files: %u
9250 Number of tested folders: %u
9251 Number of accepted files: %u
9260 done
9261 paused
9263 no job
9264 State:
9265 Folder:
9266 File:
9279 <none>
9280 This is %s user task
9281 Changed files scanner
9290 Scanner
9291 Integrity Checker
9293 Resident Scanner
9294 "%s" task progress
9295 Statistics
9298 "%s" task progress on %s
12752 Write file :
12753 Delete file :
12754 Rename file :
12755 Format Track
12756 Behavior Blocker
12757 Remove floppy disk from drive A: and press OK to reboot
12758 Avast32, Standard Shield detected suspicious operation
12759 Choose Ignore to allow this operation in this DOS appliation
12760 OK
12761 Cancel
12762 Reset
12763 Allow all
13000 Server
13001 AVS service
13002 Workstation
13003 MS Exchange Server support
13004 Lotus Notes/Domino support
13005 Customer number: %07u
13006 Full version
13007 DEMO version
13008 Time limited version
13009 Number of licenses: %u
13010 Unlimited license
13011 Number of licenses is not checked
13012 School license
13013 Home license
13014 Network workstation
13015 CVP Firewall support
13016 Valid untill %s
13017 Can be updated until %s
13018 Validity is not not time limited
13019 No update is available
13020 Update is not time limited
13021 License is not valid!!!
13022 OEM license
15000 Exchange: Public folders
15001 Exchange: Mail boxes
15002 Exchange: %s
16000 Task is not set to show all scanned files...
21782 File %s was not repaired.\nSome files may not (or even can't) be repaired by Avast. For a list of such files, see the result page.
21783 Resident task "%s" runs
21784 No resident task runs.
21785 Avast32 warning: Do not forget to remove floppy disks.\nYou can avoid boot virus infection.\nRemove the disk now and press any key...
21786 Avast32 warning: ATENTION!!! Floppy disk boot sector has been modified!!!\nIt is probably a boot virus, already activated!!!
21787 Update key of avast! system is not valid yet.\nEnter new license key, please.\nOriginal VPS file will be used for now.
21788 Computer %s contains VPS file not matching your license. Previous VPS file is used on this computer.
22000 Error while processing the file "%s" with batch-task results.
22001 Invalid task parameter found. Please fix the selected parameter.
22002 An error has occured while creating the task. The task was not created.\nMost probably there is not enough memory to complete the request...
22003 An error has occured while testing. The testing thread will be terminated...
22004 Unknown program exception. Avast32 will be terminated immediately.
22005 Error: Data file(s) could not be initialized.\n\nOne or both files are missing or ware modified by another program, virus or user. Please restore these files from backup copies and then restart the program.
22006 Cannot update data file. The original (unchanged) one has name %s.
22007 Can not update data file. The new data file (the latest one) has name %s.
22008 Invalid virus definition item. Please fix the focused item.
22009 Not enough Avast32 licences. Avast32 found more copies running than the number of licences you bought.
22010 Cannot start Avast32 Resident support program.
22011 ACCESS DENIED because of an incorrect password.
22012 Bad new password.
22013 Too short password. The minimal length is 5 characters.
22014 Downloading from the Internet can be a lenghty process. For that reason, VPS file download will be started as a background task and the result will be displayed during the next VPS file initialization.
22015 Cannot create link for task %s.
22016 Serious program error has occurred. Error source is unknown and the program cannot continue. Close this dialog and try to start the program again.
22017 This application cannot be run standalone.
22018 Cannot make enough room for cached items. There is a serious problem with your memory or disk space. Stop all Avast32 programs, check free memory and disk space and try again.
22019 Virus Definition File address is empty or unknown. VPS updating was not initialized.
22020 Source file (new Virus Definition File) is the same as the file which is currently in use. Choose different file as a source for updating.
22021 An error has occured while processing file "%s".
22022 Error has ocurred while repairing boot sector of the floppy disk in drive %s.
22023 Not enough Avast32 licences. Avast32 found more copies running than the number of licences you bought.\nThis is the last warning before all found instances will be terminated.
22024 The activation key is invalid. Use only keys obtained from the legal distributor.
22025 Cannot start the process. Request was terminated.
22026 An error was found in the started process. Request was terminated.
22027 Invalid configuration file or incorrent version.\nAvast32 configuration file is incompatible with this version of Avast32. Please, delete Avast32.cnf and the program will create a new (BUT EMPTY) one.
22028 You cannot delete tasks from simple user interface. Switch to the enhanced user interface if you really want to delete this task.
22029 Virus Definition File was not updated. Currently used file is newer or update source file is not a valid 32-bit VPS file.
22030 %s file(s) was not processed due to an error condition. Check Results to find file(s) that was (were) not processed.
22031 Disk found in drive %s. Remove floppy disks and CD-ROMs before operating system shut down. You will prevent boot sector infection. Operating system shut down request was terminated.
22032 Can't show licenses for computer %s.
22033 Can't test system memory on computer %s.
22034 Can't start resident console on computer %s.
22035 Only Administrators may scan memory under Windows NT/2000.
22036 An error has occured while adding the user.
22037 An error has occured while adding the group.
22038 Unsupported Service Pack The service pack version currently installed on this computer is older than the one required by Avast. Please install the latest service pack!
22039 Cannot add new filter.
22040 Choose a group
22041 Cannot find a library. Check installation of Avast32.
22042 Can't continue processing "%s" task.
22043 Can't edit "%s" filter.
22044 Cannot show update dialog for %s computer.
22045 At least one box must be checked.
22046 Group with specified name already exists.
22047 The specified command line is not valid. Program Avast32 will be started with last used user interface and with no command line parameters.
22048 Scan in progress It is impossible to run more than one test while in the simple user interface. Wait until the test finishes and then run another test.
22049 Access denied Specifying areas on the command line is disabled.
22050 Program exit You may not exit Avast32 if there are still some tasks running.
22051 Report file An error has occured while creating/openning report file for task "%s".
22052 An error has occured while deleting the user.
22053 An error has occured while deleting the group.
22054 Not all users from the group were deleted.
22055 An error has occured while adding new source for Avast32 updates.
22056 An error has occured while editing source of updates.
22057 An error has occured while showing the computers using specified update source.
22058 Enterprise client cannot be started.
22059 Error number %u
22060 The computer address you entered is not valid
22061 An error has occured while logging in to a remote computer.
22062 Cannot switch user interface while complete test is running. Stop it first.
22080 If you want to use scheduling, you must install "MS Task Scheduler", part of Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher
22081 Unable to connect to the server The Exchange server could not be reached. This can be caused by the fact that the Avast! service has not been already started on the server.
22082 The operation could not be completed.
22083 The operation completed successfuly.
22084 The mailbox list was successfuly refreshed.
22100 NOTE: Mailbox scanning is disabled. No mailboxes will be monitored unless you reenable it.
22101 NOTE: Public folder scanning is disabled. No public folders will be monitored unless you reenable it.
22102 Both public folder and mailbox scanning is enabled. Therefore, all selected areas will be monitored.
22130 The activation key cannot be used.\nThe key is either not valid or you are trying to use a trial key for an expired trial version.
22131 We are really sorry, but you are using hacked version of our software. What about contacting our nearest dealer/reseller?
22132 You cannot edit parameters from two different places at the same time...
22133 Error has occured while accepting file "%s".
22134 Error has occured while repairing file "%s".
22135 Error has occured while moving/renaming file "%s".
22136 Error has occured while deleting file "%s".
22137 Error has occured while creating sheet for "%s" task results.
22138 Error has occured while removing sheet "%s".
22139 Error has occured while logging in to computer "%s".
22140 Error has occured while logging out from computer "%s".
22141 Error has occured while ignoring "%s" file result.
22142 Enter User name.
22143 Error has occured while logging in to the local engine.
22144 Function is not implemented in the current version.
22145 You are not logged in to the local engine. Change of parameters will take effect after restart of Avast32.
22146 You are not logged in to the local engine. You may not change the password.
22147 Error while initializing user manager. Password not changed.
22148 User %s not found. Password not changed.
22149 New passwords are not same.
22150 Password was not changed.
22151 To perform changes to user settings you must be logged in to the local engine as an administrator.
22152 Cannot add license number
22153 Cannot delete license number
22154 Cannot change password for user "Anonymous".
22155 An error has occured while logging in to the group.
22233 Can't change task %s
22234 Can't delete task %s
22235 Can't run task %s
22236 Can't create copy of task %s
22237 Can't find task %s
22238 Can't create task %s
22239 Can't access the computer file system.
22240 Can't stop task "%s"
22241 Invalid plugin %s.
22242 Can't switch user interface
22243 There was an error while saving task %s. The task may become inconsistent.
22245 Error occrurs during dialog creation.
22246 Can't show "%s" task configuration dialog.
22247 Unknown error
22248 Can't show program configuration.
22249 Can't pause/continue "%s" task.
22250 Can't run tests
22251 Can't stop tests
22252 Can't pause tests
22253 Can't continue tests
22254 Can't initialize Explorer support task.
22255 Can't show file "%s".
22256 Delete task Do you really want to delete "%s" task? The "Yes" answer will permanently delete it from the list !
22257 Stop resident task "%s" task is resident. Do you really want to stop it?
22258 Do you really want update VPS file now ?
22259 Do you really want to use the DEFAULT configurations file?
22260 Do you really want to use a different Virus Definition File?
22261 Do you really want to use a different database file?
22262 Terminate database creation Integrity database creation can take a long time. Do you really want to terminate it?
22263 Delete results "%s" task has some results. Do you really want to delete them?
22264 Stop task Some of the tasks may run for a long time. Do you really want to stop task "%s"?
22265 Can't print selected results.
22266 Can't copy selected results into clipboard.
22267 Can't save selected results.
22268 Logout There are running tasks on computer %s or some of the tasks have unprocessed results. Do you really want to log out (running tasks will be stopped and the results will be lost)?
22269 Switch user interface If you switch to %s you will loose all unprocessed results. Do you really want to continue?
22270 simple user interface
22271 version 2.0 simple user interface
22272 version 2.0 enhanced user interface
22273 enhanced user interface
22274 Can't show program help.
22275 Do you want to terminate current operation?
22276 Quit program "%s" task is running. Do you really want to quit Avast32?
22277 Switch user interface There are some running task. These must be stopped before switching to %s. Do you want to continue?
22278 Cannot play sound file %s. Check the path and file name.
22280 Delete group If you delete group "%s", all its members will be deleted as well. Do you want to continue?
22281 Delete user Do you really want to delete user "%s"?
22282 There is no destination folder\nfor the file to move!
22283 Cannot run resident task "%s"
22284 Cannot stop resident task.
22285 Delete file with results Do you want to permanently delete file "%s" with results from the disk?
22286 Cannot exit the warning message.
22287 Program settings have changed outside of this Avast32 client session. Do you want to reload them?
22288 Remove group Do you really want to remove group %s?
22289 Computer "%s" is not responding. Do you really want to terminate the current operation?
22290 Boot sector repair Under some circumstances, your floppy disk data can be damaged or even lost if you overwrite its boot sector. Do you really want to repair the boot sector?
22291 Task "%s" was not found. Note that task names are case sensitive.
22385 The password is not valid. New task was marked as local.
22386 Show results task "%s" has obtained information about the file system changes. Do you want to show them now?
22387 Default settings If you set the program settings to default you will loose your customized settings. Do you want to continue?
22390 Congratulations for successful activation key change. All necessary tasks were performed and now you can enjoy your new configuration.
22391 Task stopped "%s" task stopped: %s.
22392 Task stopped task "%s" on computer %s stopped: %s.
22393 Task was cancelled.
22394 no virus found
22395 no file was changed
22396 ,
22397 License number Do you really want to remove license number %s?
22398 License number License number was deleted.
22399 License number License number was added.
22400 Search string not found
22401 Results All results were processed.
22402 If you want to remove all macros from the document, check the box below. If you wish to remove only the virus macro, leave the box unchecked.
22403 Macro virus cannot be recognized exactly, so all document macros will be removed during the repair.
22404 Update Program Avast32 is being updated. You must restart computer when the update finishes. If there is a "Setup" program tile on the taskbar, update is still in progress. It is possible that the update has not started yet if you have a slow computer.
22405 Unable to connect to the updater. Update of files will not be performed.
22406 Change resident task? This task is being used in the simple user interface. If you remove it or change its name, change also item "Task to run in simple interface" in Program Options: On-Access Scanner
22407 Restart needed New key has been added but to reflect changes you need to restart program including its engine or restart operating system.
22500 Program found no valid licenses. Add some license, reinstall program or contact your network administrator.
22501 Your license has expired. Add new license, reinstall program or contact your network administrator.
23000 Computer renamed %s computer was renamed. Its new name is %s.
30000 Local computer name.
30001 Program version label.
30002 Currently used VPS file...
30003 Available tasks/running tasks.
30004 Currently unused area...
30005 Task comment...
30006 Information about the virus list...
30007 You are using old VPS file - update it!!!
30013 Avast32 VPS Loader...
30014 Avast32 Quick Scanner...
30015 Avast32 resident support...
30024 Screen-saver
30028 Avast32 IP protocol switch...
30042 Found %ld matching viruses...
30043 Building the virus list...
30044 Choose a filter for virus names...
30045 &Quit
30046 &Start
30047 S&top
30052 File "%s" was deleted.
30053 File "%s" was repaired.
30054 File "%s" was moved into "%s".
30055 No matching viruses were found...
30060 Run/stop task...
30061 Pause task/continue...
30062 Close results sheet...
30063 List of available tasks and their properties...
30064 Results of started tasks...
30065 List of known viruses and their properties...
30066 Detailed program description...
30067 "%s" task's results...
30068 Results of "%s" task on %s...
30070 %s/%s
30076 <task contains no comment>
30083 Report file (*.rpt)|*.rpt|ASCII text (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*|
30084 Page %u
30085 Task:
30086 Date:
30091 Error while accepting: %s
30092 Error while ignoring: %s
30093 Error while moving: %s
30094 Error while deleting: %s
30095 Error while repairing: %s
30096 File was moved/renamed successfully.
30097 File was deleted successfully.
30098 File was repaired successfully.
30099 Operation result is yet unknown...
30100 Portions copyright Webster Pro Control Copyright ⌐ 1995-1998 Home Page Software
34008 Cannot obtain information about local engine
34009 Cannot load avsBasic.dll
34011 Cannot load system library PSAPI.DLL
34012 Cannot load system library KERNEL32.DLL
34013 System library MSVCRT20.DLL is old
34014 System library COMCTL32.DLL is old
34015 Cannot load AvCfgT.dll
34016 Cannot load AvDlgs.dll
34017 Cannot load aGeneral.dll
34018 Cannot load AvHelp.dll
34019 Cannot obtain list of computers
34020 Client is not initialized
34021 Cannot create synchronization object for local engine
34022 Cannot initialize TCP/IP protocol
34023 Cannot load AvServ.dll
34024 Cannot load AAVM32.dll
34100 Operation aborted by the user
34101 Cannot obtain function entry point
34102 Engine not responding
34103 Remote computer not responding
34104 Unsupported operating system found
34105 Cannot create synchronization object
34106 Cannot initialize configuration data
34107 Unsupported operating system Service Pack found
34108 Connection failed
34109 Client is not properly initialized
34110 Invalid command line
34111 This function is not yet implemented
34120 Complete.
34121 Unsuccessful.
34200 Task does not exist
34201 Task is already running
34300 Some of Avast32 processes is running
34400 Cannot start selected screen saver
34402 Cannot load AvSSHook.dll
34403 Cannot install message hook
34404 Cannot start final thread
34405 Cannot create screen saver window
34406 Cannot start screen saver task
34500 Can not obtain output handle
34501 Can not create screen buffer
34502 Can not run task
34503 Can not obtain input handle
34600 Invalid command line
34601 Invalid IP address
34700 Requested resident task does not exist
35000 AvClient.dll was not initialized
35001 Cannot work without logging to engine
35002 User is logged
35003 No computer with running engine was found
35004 Cannot start engine
35005 Connection to engine was broaken
35006 Supplied password is not valid
35007 Supplied license key is not valid
35008 Engine was not initialized properly
35009 Cannot start resident part of engine
35010 Unknown error in engine
35011 Ping to remote computer failed
35012 Engine is busy
35013 No SID found for user
35014 No license was found
35015 You do not have rights to perform the operation
35016 Your license expired
35017 Rules for adding license numbers violated
35018 File is skipped by the exception
35019 File was initialized sucessfully
35020 File contains sample of virus
35021 File was changed
35022 Engine processing was not requested
35023 File was not repaired
35024 File content not changed.
35025 Exception raised in standard viruses code
35026 Exception raised in polymorphic viruses code
35027 Error has occured in polymorphic viruses code
35028 Exception raised in boot polymorphic viruses code
35029 Error has occured in boot plymorphic viruses code
35030 Exception raised in macroviruses code
35031 Error has occured in macroviruses code
35032 Exception raised in macroviruses code (boot)
35033 Error has occured in macroviruses code (boot)
35034 File was maybe repaired
35035 Invalid or not existing VPS file
35036 Document is password protected
35037 Program cannot be launched from command line
35038 File was not created by OLE technology
35039 Requested diskette type is not supported
35040 Exception raised in emulation code
35041 Message is not supported
35042 File repair is not supported
35043 Unsupported task operation is requested
35044 Operation on unsupported drive failed
35070 MAPI reference skipped due unknown reference
35071 MAPI reference skipped because it is unresolved
35072 MAPI reference skipped because it contains only reference
35073 MAPI reference skipped because it contains embedded message
35074 MAPI reference skipped because it contains unknown OLE document
35075 Uknown MAPI reference
35080 Undefined integrity database problem
35081 Cannot initialize integrity database
35082 Initialize integrity database key error
35083 Integrity database is empty, but created
35090 Error has occured while reading integrity database
35091 Error has occured while writing into integrity database
35092 Integrity database contains no record
35093 Database initialization in progress
35094 No record found in database
35095 Unsupported database operation is requested
35100 Exception raised in decompression routines code
35101 Cannot open compressed file
35102 Cannot decompress supplied file
35103 Unknown or invalid compressed file format
35104 File cannot be compressed
35105 File operation was delayed
35106 Unknown pack method
35107 Unsupported packed file operation
35110 Unknown error has occured while decompressing file
35111 Compressed file is encrypted
35112 Compressed file is folder
35120 ZIP: unexpected end of archive found
35121 ZIP: archiv is damaged
35122 ZIP: same volume for source and destination is not permitted
35123 ZIP: index is out of range
35124 ZIP: cannot create destination file
35125 ZIP: cannot open destination file
35126 ZIP: archive CRC error
35127 ZIP: operation was terminated by the application
35128 ZIP: unknown compression method
35129 ZIP: bad or missing decrypt code
35130 ZIP: cannot re-entry operation
35131 ZIP: cannot unpack volume item
35132 ZIP: bad command structure
35133 ZIP: user canceled operation
35134 ZIP: operation skipped on user request
35135 ZIP: disk is full
35140 Rules for adding license numbers violated
35141 C and W products cannot be installed on NT server
35142 Cannot install DEMO over expired DEMO installation
35143 HOME license can be only W product
35144 E product can be installed only on NT server
35145 S, C and W products can be installed only once
35146 Cannot overwrite license with higher priority
35147 Cannot overwrite user ID
35148 DEMO cannot be installed, when there is non-DEMO installed
35149 Cannot accept A type, if it is expired
37550 Avast32 for MS Exchange Server
37551 Avast32 for Lotus Notes
37552 Avast32 Network Edition
37553 Avast32 for MS Proxy/ISA Server
37554 Avast32 for MS SMTP Server 2000
37555 Avast32 for MS Exchange Server 2000
37556 Avast32 for CVP-based firewalls
37570 Done!
37571 Deleting all existing items...
37572 Adding items to the MS Exchange Server group....
37573 Create a virtual server for Avast/CVP...
37580 Cannot open the local cluster.\nError code is %08X.
37581 Cannot create Avast service resource in Exchange Server group.\nError code is %08X.
37582 Cannot create the virtual server for Avast/CVP.\nError code is %08X.
37583 Cannot delete the Avast service from the Exchange Server cluster group.\nError code is %08X.
37584 Cannot delete the Avast/CVP virtual server.\nError code is %08X.
37590 The cluster service could not be started.
37592 Avast Cluster Installation Wizard
43200 Avast: Cannot scan the message body.\nError code is %08X.
43201 Avast: Cannot attach note to the message body.\nError code is %08X.
43202 Avast: Cannot perform the specified action with the infected message.\nError code is %08X.
43203 Avast: Cannot discard the infected inbound message.\nError code is %08X.
43204 Avast: Unable to open the specified folder for infected inbound messages.\nPlease make sure that the folder name is valid.\n\nThe message cannot be moved.\nError code is %08X.
43205 Avast: Unable to move the infected message body\nto the folder specified in configuration data.
43206 Avast: Cannot get the current virus database (VPS) date.\nFile is corrupt?
43207 Avast: Cannot delete an infected attachment from the message.\nError code is %08X.
43208 Avast: Cannot reattach the repaired attachment to the message.\nError code is %08X.
43209 Avast: Out of memory!
43210 Avast: Unable to open message attachment.\nError code is %08X,
43211 Avast: Invalid or unknown format of message attachment!
43212 Avast: Unable to move the infected attachment\nto the folder specified in configuration data.\nError code is %08X,
43213 Avast: Unable to build the attachment list.\nThe message may be corrupt.\nError code is %08X,
43214 Avast: Unable to get information about the message.\nThe message cannot be scanned and may be corrupt.\nError code is %08X,
43215 Avast: Unable to move the infected message.\nError code is %08X,
43216 Avast: Unable to connect to the Avast engine.\nAvast mail protection cannot be started.
43217 Avast: Cannot scan a message attachment.\nError code is %08X.
43240 Avast warning: the message has an invalid signature.\nIt is possible that someone was tampering with the message en route\nor that the message is corrupt...
43250 %sMsg_From-%s_Subj-%s.txt
43251 \<Message Body>
43252 Mail\Outbox
43253 Mail\Inbox
43254 Mail
43260 Avast MS Outlook/Exchange provider is working...
43300 \n---\nAvast: Inbound message checked to be virus-free\n
43301 \n---\nAvast: Inbound message INFECTED BY A VIRUS!\n
43302 \n---\nAvast: Outbound message checked to be virus-free\n
43303 Date and time of the test: %s\nVirus database (VPS) date: %s\nAvast! antivirus by Alwil Software\n
43310 File %s (infection %s) was %s.\n
43311 successfully cleaned
43312 deleted from the message
43313 (BEWARE!!) left intact in the message
44520 Scanner
44521 Inbound mail
44522 Outbound mail
44523 Signatures
44524 Virus Storing
44525 Advanced
44540 Please select the folder for infected items:
44541 This provider will protect your mail in the MS Outook/Exchange client environment.\n\n\nIt provides the following services:\n\n ╗ Real-time scanning of inbound and opened mail\n ╗ Real-time scanning of outbound mail.\n\n\n\n\nThe following six pages will guide you through the configuration settings for this provider.
44560 Cannot open the root folder of default information store.
44561 Cannot locate the IPM subtree in default information store.
44562 Cannot open the default message store.
44563 Cannot find the default message store.
44564 The folder could not be created.
61440 Open
61441 Save As
61442 All Files (*.*)
61443 Untitled
61446 an unnamed file
61457 &Hide
61472 No error message is available.
61473 An unsupported operation was attempted.
61474 A required resource was unavailable.
61475 Out of memory.
61476 An unknown error has occurred.
61696 Invalid filename.
61697 Failed to open document.
61698 Failed to save document.
61699 Save changes to %1?
61700 Failed to create empty document.
61701 The file is too large to open.
61702 Could not start print job.
61703 Failed to launch help.
61704 Internal application error.
61705 Command failed.
61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation.
61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted.
61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed.
61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system.
61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s.
61712 Please enter an integer.
61713 Please enter a number.
61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2.
61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2.
61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters.
61717 Please select a button.
61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255.
61719 Please enter a positive integer.
61720 Please enter a date and/or time.
61721 Please enter a currency.
61728 Unexpected file format.
61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given.
61730 Destination disk drive is full.
61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else.
61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else.
61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1.
61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1.
61836 Unable to read write-only property.
61837 Unable to write read-only property.
61840 Unable to load mail system support.
61841 Mail system DLL is invalid.
61842 Send Mail failed to send message.
61856 No error occurred.
61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61858 %1 was not found.
61859 %1 contains an invalid path.
61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files.
61861 Access to %1 was denied.
61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1.
61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory.
61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full.
61865 Seek failed on %1
61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1.
61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1.
61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1.
61869 Disk full while accessing %1.
61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61872 No error occurred.
61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1.
61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1.
61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end.
61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1.